Greg’s vision for taking our hospitality outdoors has been so fruitful! With the pandemic and planned construction to replace the house, we moved our ‘sofa circle’ outside to: 1) practice being ‘houseless’ when we demolish to build a new center, and 2) stretch our wings into public spaces as with years of organizing students for social transformation.
This move outdoors has connected many whom we would not otherwise have met. Being highly visible and offering rest, food, and listening hearts with no ‘catch’ resonates because it is unique and it is what many students need…perhaps not realizing so until they allow themselves to stop, plop in a beanbag with a pizza slice, check in, and make new friends.
Among the topics that come up are (and my responses to students):
“Is this really free? What’s the catch?” (no pressure, just lunch, so you know we’re here for you) “Wow! What is this group?” (interfaith community for everyone)
“Agape? What’s that?” (the biblical word for self-giving love that’s for everyone) “Oh, that’s cool…so I guess you’re not like the other Christians, are you?” (we’re not perfect, but we do care)
“Agape! I know that word because I’m Greek!” (awesome! what does agape mean to you?...) “To me it means empathy and caring action that includes and celebrates our differences.”
“I grew up in church but stopped going when it condemned my brother who is gay.” (i’m sorry that church did that to your family; how are you all doing?)
“My ‘friend’ is suddenly homeless after a car accident, because they couldn’t get to work and pay the rent. Can Agape help?” (please, let’s connect them with the resources we know about)
“Grace, what’s that?” (you are fully accepted and included just as you are, with no preconditions
“I don’t believe in God; are you okay with that?” (you don’t have to check your brain at the door; tell me about the God that you don’t believe in, because we might have that in common)
Gathering people with a listening ear, a loving heart, and a meal, Jesus was onto something big and basic. I remain in awe as once-strangers gratefully receive this sacred practice in public–just as transforming for our leadership as for those we meet. God’s love is soaking in and spreading through all of us. Thank you for being part of this mission of Agape.